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Q and A session with paul



Q: Paul, I understand that you were you born and raised in Baltimore? Do you have a Baltimore accent?

A: Yes, I’m a born and bred Baltimorian presently living with my spouse, Kristin, in Towson, a Baltimore suburb.  People from other places have mentioned that I have an “accent.” But this cannot be true as I have listened carefully to myself, family members, friends and coworkers and determined that none of us have any discernible “accent,” whatsoever.


Q: The sales numbers for your first novel, “The Case Files of Roderick Misely, Consultant,” look pretty small – quite dismal, actually.

A: Well, that’s not quite correct. According to Amazon, it’s ranked 6,043,277 which is a very large number.


Q: Do you enjoy writing?

A: Yes, I do. I am mostly retired now and writing and playing music occupies much of my time.


Q: Could you describe your methods and techniques as a writer?

A: Yes. I think of dumb things and then I write them down.


Q: You mentioned music. Did you ever play in a band?

A: Yes. My best friend from high school who played keyboards, Bob, a work friend who played woodwinds, Rick, and I formed a ‘prog rock’ band in late 1974. We called the group Klangfarb, which means ‘tone color.’ Later, the remnants of that group morphed into a neo-psychedelic pop group known as United States of Existence. We had a couple 45s and a LP released back in the mid ‘80s. 







Q. Have you written anything else?

A. Besides novels, just one or two unpublished short stories. But as an attorney, in the past I wrote constantly on legal matters: articles, seminar materials, memoranda, workbooks, etc. I fondly recall my 1988 monograph comparing Mexican and U.S. bankruptcy law which helped earn me an American Jurisprudence Award in my Comparative Law course at U.B. Law. It had 200 footnotes. Reasonably priced copies are available on a ‘first come, first served' basis. Act now via the Contact page. U.S funds, only. No crypto please.


Q. Tell us about your most recent books?

A. My third novel, The Big Comb Over, was published on April 25, 2024 by an amazing niche publisher, Pearls Before Press. I'm hoping to receive royalties any day now! My fourth novel, Sunscreen Shower, a proper Clonk! sequel, was published by Flock Publishing on October 18, 2024. 


Q. What do you do for fun? What are your hobbies?

A. I enjoy taking my 2015 Prius out on Sunday afternoons for a weekly spin around the neighborhood. I try to avoid main roads and highways because other drivers show little respect for us Prius drivers. They seem to think that all Prius drivers are stoop shouldered, little 80 year old men with bad breath, tinnitus and body odor, who drive ten miles under the speed limit. It’s not true. I’m 69. I solved the ‘lack of respect’ problem by installing a set of Yosemite Sam mud flaps. But not every pensioner can afford those. So, as a side hustle, I’ve been selling, at a discount, those “student driver” bumper stickers to my friends at the senior center.


Q. How would you describe, "Clonk!"?

A. I would say it is a 'graphic novel, without the graphics.'


Q. So you mean like a 'comic book without comedy?'

A. Ahh... er... now, wait a minute... let me change that answer...


Q: How did you get so old? Does everyone lose their ‘looks’ when they get old? Will it be that bad for me?

A. Yes, it will, but this is why God gives us cataracts. He also gives us aging, balding men the gift of bountiful nostril and ear hair, again as compensation.


Q: Any final words?

A: Yes! Please keep those questions coming in!


Here's a photo of the group in action. That’s me on the left in the nehru jacket

playing electric sitar. The other guys are Gary, Dennis, Bob and Bert. Minus Bert, on the right, who passed away a few years ago, we are again writing and recording music, remotely, as United States of Existence.  We look older, though.

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